Car Blessing in the Philippines
By Andrea Nicole
Posted on Jun 17, 2020
Source: Pexels
It’s legitimate. Car blessing is a thing practiced here in the Philippines. Well, in other places around the globe actually, especially those believing in Christian or Catholic teachings. The Catholic Church even devoted a chapter on how to administer the blessing on inanimate objects that serve man’s needs. Found in the Roman Ritual (Rituale Romanum), ordinary things can receive liturgical blessings—bbridges, wells, and yes, including cars.
What is a car blessing?
A blessing rite refers to a ceremonial act where a person of authority in church will offer a prayer to something or someone. In this case, a car. Usually, pastors, priests, or deacons handle this ceremony. House blessings might be more familiar to some, but car blessings work just the same way as the former.
In some practices, especially with the Catholics, cars are sprinkled with holy water. While others involve laying off hands as a physical act of blessing.
Why Do People Get Their Cars Blessed?
Source: Pexels
- Custom or tradition: For some, it’s just something they were used to doing. Blessing ordinary items, for instance, might be normal for those who grew up with a religious family. Many believe that nothing bad will possibly come out of it. So, why not do it anyway?
- A form of offering: Having the car blessed is one way of saying that the owner offers it to whoever eternal being one believes in. Besides, there is a notion that every blessing received comes from God. Therefore, it should be offered back to him as well. When the car is dedicated to God, it also becomes sacred, as people believe.
- A declaration of freedom: This is probably the most practical reason why people want their cars to be blessed. This is believed to cast away evil influences over the property. When a prayer is uttered, the people gathered agree in asking for the safety and protection of those who’ll use it.
- A declaration of success: The ceremony is also like claiming success for the car's intended purpose. May it be for personal transportation, business, or others.
Where to Visit?
One can have their car blessed at any parish or church near them. Just approach the priest or pastor at the end of the mass or visit any day and express the interest. Different churches may have varying directions on how to proceed. Regardless, that’s just a minor inconvenience to receive the blessing, right?
An Act of Gratitude
Car blessing is yet another gesture of giving thanks for having received this kind of blessing. Many asked and worked for it but not everyone still had it. But remember, having the car blessed doesn’t make it exempt from accidents or misfortunes. It’s important to always be alert and cautious in the driveway. Oh, uttering a short prayer before going might give one additional peace and sense of safety.